Brendan D. Saltaformaggio

Associate Professor @ Georgia Tech

Welcome to Brendan Saltaformaggio's home page. I am an Associate Professor in the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I also hold a courtesy appointment in the School of Computer Science. For more information about me please see the links on this page.

I am hiring a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher. Please apply here.

Research Interests

Computer Systems Security and Cyber Forensics with focuses on memory forensics, binary analysis and instrumentation, vetting of untrusted software, and mobile/IoT security.

Selected Recent Publications

Pulling Off The Mask: Forensic Analysis of the Deceptive Creator Wallets Behind Smart Contract Fraud.
M. Yao, R. Zhang, H. Xu, R. Chou, V. C. Paturi, A. K. Sikder, and B. Saltaformaggio.
In Proc. 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy S&P, San Francisco, CA, 2024.

AI Psychiatry: Forensic Investigation of Deep Learning Networks in Memory Images.
D. Oygenblik, C. Yagemann, J. Zhang, A. Mastali, J. Park, and B. Saltaformaggio.
In Proc. 33rd USENIX Security Symposium Security, Philadelphia, PA, 2024.

DVa: Extracting Victims and Abuse Vectors from Android Accessibility Malware.
H. Xu, M. Yao, R. Zhang, M. M. Dawoud, J. Park, and B. Saltaformaggio.
In Proc. 33rd USENIX Security Symposium Security, Philadelphia, PA, 2024.